x86 English Windows XP Professional SP3 Product Keys: RHKG3-8YW4W-4RHJG-83M4Y-7X9GW B2RBK-7KPT9-4JP6X-QQFWM-PJD6G VCFQD-V9FX9-46WVH-K3CD4-4J3JM B66VY-4D94T-TPPD4-43F72-8X4FY MRX3F-47B9T-2487J-KWKMF-RPWBY B2RBK-7KPT9-4JP6X-QQFWM-PJD6G x64 English Windows XP Home SP2: * VCFQD-V9FX9-46WVH-K3CD4-4J3JM x64 English Windows XP Pro: * F4G2M-BH2JF-GTGJW-W82HY-VMRRQ Windows Tablet PC Edition 2005 SP3: * KY6GY-YHDPV-RMY9G-PHG6P-2F9Y3 you WILL need this product key to get the Tablet PC programs. Windows Fundementals for Legacy PC's: * JWTG2-3CB49-QKWCW-R9DW9-MCJMQ x86 English Windows Longhorn Build 4093: TCP8W-T8PQJ-WWRRH-QH76C-99FBW x64 English Windows Vista Ultimate SP2: VMCB9-FDRV6-6CDQM-RV23K-RP8F7 * CDWBT-51A5L-WTCK2-4AJTI-4FY7G * ZKWZZ-6OY5Q-92PI5-FHXH4-XQEE7 * J936I-IGS2B-AEXGA-FU0KZ-KU7BM * 8A03P-ZC1UC-R02NE-GNL0T-FJKV0 * D59UX-QRMPC-7GUFO-KGJO5-RWB16 * Y5KBZ-Q3HY7-F4WZG-SRZYP-S1BT0 * G1PZO-641LP-QALQY-9M4YF-O4SYJ * 8ZI67-LI0QP-5D750-OI0NH-ITRT8 If you can't find a product key for Windows Vista/7/8.x/10/11, follow these steps: 1. Open command prompt as administrator 2. Type slmgr -rearm into the command prompt and press enter 3. Wait for the restart pop-up to appear 4. Restart your computer 5. Check activation status Any key with a * before it has not been verified to work.